waimanalo blues

waimanalo blues

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

aloha po'aha

aloha. mahalo ke akua!! another hot day, still waiting for a call or e-mail for a job! weather getting hotter, getting more irritated, have to look at something cool!! mahalo lenny for the doobie, time to 420!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

aloha po'akolu

mahalo ke akua!! another day, still waiting for a call for a job! i guess no one like call me! too bad - they don't know what they missing out on! i a good worker - i just hate kiss asses & liars, and i get pissed off very very easily! my brain still in space! time to 420!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

aloha po'alua

aloha kakahiaka. another day, no calls or e-mail. cleaning yard today. my orchids got flowers - choke! also my 'awapuhi finally got flowers. mahalo ke akua!! got the krip - time to 420!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


aloha kakahiaka! same shit! different week! got the krip! time to 420!!

aloha lapule

aloha sunday. not much to say, got the canoe regotta today. mahalo ke akua, malama pono. time to 420!! (da krip!)

Friday, June 25, 2010

aloha po'aono

ano 'ai. over 1 month since the job fair, and never got a call or e-mail! pissing me off! whatevers, will get one i will enjoy! soon, i hope! time to 420!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


aloha! finally after more than 6 fuckin months, got a call from alu like! they said sorry but they cannot help me right now due to budget cuts! i asked if it usually takes more than 6 months to return a call? they said they have to revue all kine shit, verify if i can qualify, and all kine bull shit!! fuck them!! that got me more pissed! they
tell you yes they can help you go back to school, they got lots of money to help us hawaiians, and all kine other shit! they say they will get back with me, i wait months, call back, they say they busy.fuck them! time to 420!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

aloha po'whatevas

wassup! my brain still in china! wish i had a panda! still no calls, or e-mails, almost done replacing shingles. next home improvement????? time to 420!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

aloha po'akolu

aloha po'akolu (wednesday) another day in hawai'i nei - mahalo ke akua! still no call or e-mail. got to keep praying for something. was told i have to go to school to learn a trade. i got no kala to go to school, alu like is full of shit!! anyway, downloaded some more of my friends pictures of china. this place is huangshan mountains. looks like a really nice place! time to 420!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

aloha po'alua

ni hao! more pictures from my friends. heavenly king of the west.

heavenly king of the south.

heavenly king of the north.

heavenly king of the east. buddhist guardians in chinese buddhist temples all over china. these guys in lingyin monastery in hangzhou over 200 years old. still no calls or e-mails, replaced about 20 shingles, and got about 30 more. i wish i was getting paid - but at least got food to eat. time to 420!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

aloha po'akahi

aloha mai! ran into some friends who were in china a few weeks ago. they were in beijing, and told me i should see the renovations - they were fabulous! check out some pictures i downloaded from them. this is the temple of heaven - new paint job looks unreal!!
this is the summer palace - paint job looks unfuckinbelieveable!!

the forbidden city looks un-fuckin real!! want to go back - one day!! have to think about other things first - gotta keep thinking of good things, so no get pissed off!! still hoping for a call or e-mail for a job!! looking at pictures calms the nerves!! time to 420!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

aloha lapule

aloha la pule (sunday) another week passed, no calls, or e-mails for jobs - pissing me off!! hawai'i jobs on demand e-mailed me, but i do not have a college degree, or i do not want to be a store manager, i hate to drive, and got no car, so no delivery!! same shit week after week. hope to get a call from one of my friends, like last week! and no i am not a flip! like a flip would say, time to pour twenty!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

aloha po'aono

another day!! everything pissing me off, this fuc*** computer, people who i thought was my friends, the weather, just about everything!!! have to try and stay calm, think about nice things, and pray i won't do anything stupid! been getting very disgusted about everything lately - don't know if its me, or this summer heat!!! no calls, or e-mails yet!! i know - time to 420!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

aloha po'alima

aloha friday! or is it! still waiting!
getting sick of waiting!!!!! have to work! getting sick staying home, and not getting paid!! i want to be like some people up the street - never had a job before, and got 2 cars, don't work, and can go to las vegas, no job, but got gas money to go all over the place, no job, and can buy their kids all kine toys, clothes, and big birthday parties, i want to collect welfare, stay home and have kids, got food stamps, that i trade for drugs, all kine shit!!! i want to be like them! but i not!!! time to 420!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

aloha po'aha.

check out these haunted castles

in scotland! would love to check

them out and stay overnight in

these haunted castles! better than

staying here, and getting all

disgusted! i keep gaining weight!

another day, time to 420!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

aloha po'alua

aloha po'ele'ele 'oukou! another day waiting for a call -
it's sickening waiting day after day, hoping each day for
something, and nothing!! at least i alive!! mahalo ke akua!!
time to 420!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

aloha po'akahi

another week passed! was hoping for a real phone call for
a job, but just got a call from a friend! mahalo j.j. for the
call! at least will be keeping busy doing some home repairs.
i always wanted a pet tiger when i was a little kid, also a
dragon. can't have a dragon, but would love to have a
tiger - will train them to go after stupid asses! i wish!
anyway, time to 420!!

mahalo ke akua!

meet my family! i wish!!! my wife, father in law the king, mother in law the queen, brother in law the prince, sister in law the crown princess! i fuc*** wish!! have to keep thinking about something good! if not, will start getting disgusted, cause no calls or e-mails! finished painting the front door, dad insisted on using old paint - and its not white - but off white! looks funky and no match the white house! anyway, will be on the roof the next few days, replacing roof shingles here and there. still hoping for a call or e-mail to work. if i was a filipino, i would be working in a nursery awhile ago, but i not a flipino, but hawaiian, and proud to be one!!! i wonder what our kids would look like?! time to 420!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

aloha po'aha

aloha! meet my future wife - princess madeleine of sweden - she so hot!! and single!! i wish!!! another week passed, and no e-mail! only a call from a friend - too bad i not filipino, or i would be working!! that is so disgusting, that discrimination, based on race still happens!! that's fuc***!! anyway, will be replacing some roof shingles next, not the whole roof, but some places. i wonder how it would be if i married a real princess? at least my father in law would be the king! time to 420!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

aloha po'alima

another disgusting day in hawai'i nei!!
too pissed off to write anything!! time to 420!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

aloha po'aha

another hot day in hawai'i nei! got a call from a friend, to go and apply at a certain nursery here in waimanalo. i was asked if i can operate a forklift (no), if i was certified to spray poison (no), if i know about irrigation (no), if i can operate a tractor or backhoe (no), if i can speak flip (no)!, if i worked in a nursery for 2 years (no), i got up and left!! i was fuc*** pissed, and disgusted!! especially about not speaking flip!! this is not the fuc*** filippines!! just for that i fuc*** hate flips! they in the fuc*** u.s. and not in the fuc*** filippines!! they should all learn fuc*** english!! and all go back and better their own country, and not invade ours!! that is so fuc*** disgusting!!! very upset!! have to 420!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

aloha po'akolu

another day in hawai'i nei, still waiting for a call or e-mail for a job - its very disgusting hoping and praying for just one call!! the economy and politics here s fu**** up! for nursery, or landscape jobs, they looking for flip speaking people - who do you know who is not filipino, who can speak the language?? to me, that's discrimination, based on race!! even though, i worked at a mini golf, and driving range on a military base, i was told i do not have "experience" because a military base is not a golf course!! that's fu**** up!! but who am i to say that!! time to 420!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

aloha po'alua

another disgusting day in hawai'i nei - mahalo ke akua! still waiting for a call, or e-mail! time to 420!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

aloha po'akahi

another day, no call yet! getting disgusted! gotta think of
something funny - like the name of this real town in
austria! time to 420!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

aloha la pule

aloha! done with the windows - now gotta start painting the house.
another week passed and no call yet! hope next week! its after
midnight, and the stupid roosters starting to crow - i guess they want to be shot!
some pictures of our beautiful islands. mahalo ke akua!! time to 420!!