waimanalo blues

waimanalo blues

Thursday, September 30, 2010


still in europe looking, and looking. these princesses are already taken! shit!!
thats ok, still can fantasize!!

this one is pregnant.

this one was born a princess. she was fuckin hot in her younger years! princess caroline is still hot!! still waiting for a call or e-mail for a job!! but now, time to 420!! mahalo sista mapuana for the krip!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

aloha wednesday?

wednesday! back in europe looking for a princess bride. princess martha louise of norway,
princess madeleine of sweden,

crown princess victoria of sweden,

crown princess margarita of romania. still waiting for a call, i know wich one i want to marry. time to 420!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

aloha tuesday.

tuesday! still waiting for a call or e-mail from someone at craigslist! nothing yet! still in japan, i think the one on the right is the one!!

mahalo koa for the krip. burned out all day!
the one in the middle looks good! time to 420!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

aloha monday.

monday! still in japan looking for a wife for me & cuz. these ones looks available
this one looks fine!

this one too! still waiting for a call to work. mahalo koa for the krip! will burn today!! time to 420!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

aloha la pule

sunday! still in japan looking for a cute wife - with money!!
mahalo lenny for putting me to work, and mahalo koe for the krip!! time to 420 - again!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

aloha po'aono

aloha saturday. in japan today looking for a wife. cute japanese girls!! mahalo lenny for the work, and the krip!! time to 420!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

aloha po'alima

aloha friday. still in the u.s. at yellowstone park again.
mahalo lenny for putting me to work, and mahalo koa for the krip!!

time to 420!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

aloha po'aha

thursday. summer 2010 finally over. hope for a job, and much cooler & wetter weather.
would love to wake up one cold morning and have several inches white stuff on the ground. lots of homeless people would freeze!!

got too many outsiders here, and too much immigrants!! i wish they could all go back to where they fuckin came from - all outsiders who moved here within 30 years ago!!!

and we all get our land, dignity, and our country back, and of course our king & queen!! keep wishing and time to 420!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

aloha po'akolu

wednesday blues. will be burning all day thinking about d.o.g. who left us yesterday morning.
time to 420!! again!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

aloha po'alua

today, d.d. went to the big boneyard in the sky. she was old, we had her more than 12 years, or over 80 in human years. she was a good d.d. and will be missed. time to 420!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

mad monday!

aloha po'akahi. today, we're in seoul korea. the royal guards,
the royal attendants,

royal palace pavilion,

and another palace building. still waiting for a call, i applied at 5 places on craigslist, and not holding my breath! i know how it is. people is prejudice against local waimanalo people! time to 420!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

aloha la pule

sunday. got to burn with my bradda cuz this morning! long fuckin time!! was krip!!
we still in russia today, in moscow red square. i wish!

one day! at least got a job painting a housa next week!

from russia with love.........time to 420!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

aloha po'aono

good morning class. today we in moscow russia. hope to visit this place one day. the imperial guards.
st. basils cathedral.

and the kremlin palaces.

still no calls or e-mails. hope next week! getting sick of waiting. finally got a reply from alu like - thoes fuckers got no money left! fuck all of them!! time to 420!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

aloha friday

freaky friday. today we in austria, at a small village named hallstadt. this place is fuckin beautiful!! if i could, i would buy the whole town! less than 1,000 people!
the whole place is unreal!! this is the place i would like to live!

the houses are fuckin beautiful! i think it's nicer than here!! i want to live on this street.

can only wish!! time to 420!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

aloha po'aha

thursday! still no calls. today i'm in denmark, checking out this castle, with reported paranormal activity. looks unreal!
fredericksborg castle is over 350 years old.

will check out this castle one day! mahalo koa for the krip! time to 420!! all day!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

weird wednesday

weird wednesday! don't want to discuss what happened early this morning with those fuckin ignorant micronesian fishermen! they made lots of rubbish, they won't be back! trust me!!
we in transylvania, romania today, looking at a castle to buy for my wife - i wish! the first one looks like the one. still hoping for a call for a job.

the only thing can do beside waiting, is da kine! time to 420!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

aloha po'alua

aloha from india. looking for a wife for me!! ha ha ha ha ha! still waiting for a call, applied on line at 3 places last week - but don't know what to expect. time to 420!!