waimanalo blues

waimanalo blues

Thursday, March 31, 2011


here at twin pagoda temple praying for a job, and a clean house! just done burning a bat with pepe. all buzzzzzz!!
those fuckin liars down the street cannot pay me back, but can buy ounces
of weed!! that's o.k. cause what goes around, comes around! time to 420!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


at xiyuan garden burning again! xie xie to pepe for the buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
all blind - meditating & praying for a job! no call yet - bummed!! time to 420!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


at another quiet garden burning out - and meditating!! still hoping for a call to work!!
will be here another few days - than another city. time to 420!!

Monday, March 28, 2011


another stoney day!! all blind, hanging out at this garden!
still no calls for a job - fuckin bummed!!
time to 420!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


still here burning!! all fuckin blind!! thanks to pepe!!
another stoney sunday!! time to 420!! again!! cough cough cough!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


still in suzhou, same quiet corner of this garden - burning out!! xie xie pepe!!
still hoping for a call - i need to work!!
tsai chien - time to 420!!

Friday, March 25, 2011


at this same garden - all buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!
all fuckin blind!! still no calls! brandon fixed the lua back home - xie xie!!

xie xie to sista mapuana for the krrrippp!! time to 420!! all day!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


at the same garden meditating! nice & quiet, no loud fuckin chinese! o.k. - some!
still no call for work, and those 2 fuckin liars got no money for me!

xie xie pepe for the buzzzzzzzzzzzz!! time to 420!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


meditating here in zhouzheng yuan garden - need to work!! xie xie pepe for the morning and afternoon buzzzzzzz!!
time to 420!! again!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


still meditating, and praying for a call to work! xie xie to pepe for the buzzzzzzz!
time to 420!! again!!

Monday, March 21, 2011


still in suzhou. will be here for 1 more week. at this other quiet garden - praying that mother wake up and open her fuckin eyes and realize how fuckin messy the house is! all cause she can't and won't clean shit!!
xie xie to sistas rissa & mapuana for the killer breakfast! that was a breakfast of champs!!

thanks pepe for the buzzzzzzzz!! time to 420!! again!! buuurrrpp!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

aloha la pule

checking out this leaning pagoda today - climbed to the top! still no calls yet!
saw those fuckin liars who owe me money! they will get bad karma in return!! twice!! just like those fuckin cunts at bellows!! time to 420!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


again, i at a quiet garden meditating! no news!!
time to 420!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

aloha friday

ni hao! still at this garden meditating! all buzzzz thanks to sista mapuana!
still no calls to work, or my money!

time to 420!! again!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


ni hao! at wangshi yuan garden to meditate. all buzzzzzzz thanks to pepe!
still no news, or my money! will get it back soon - twice as much! time to 420!! again!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


ni hao! at the temple asking for a job, my money, and what goes around - to come back around!

still hoping for a call for work, and my 2 good braddas to call! time t0 420!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


still at this temple praying. climbed this pagoda, said ni hao to these buddhas, than burned!
still hopeful for a call to work - than can burn every time!! mahalo cuz! time to 420!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

aloha po'akahi

still at prayer! all buzzzzzzzzzzz!!!
still hoping for some good news!! my money, a job..... time to 420!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

aloha sunday

at the temple - hoping for some good news! all buzzzzzzzzzz thanks to cuz "da kine".
time to 420!! again!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


today at liuyuan garden meditating. all buzzzz!
still no calls! bummed!! something close will come up! hopefully.

mahalo ke akua!! amene!! time to 420!! all day!!

Friday, March 11, 2011


today at shizi lin yuan garden, looking for a quiet place to meditate - lots of loud people in china!!
seems they cannot fuckin talk softly!! had a tidal wave scare in the islands - everything all right!! xie xie to cuz for the krip!!!!!!! time to 420!! again!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


today i'm cruising around this city's canals. wouldn't mind living here! so long got a toilet, and running water i would live here!
will be going to a nice garden tomorrow to meditate.

xie xie to pepe for the buzzzzzzzzz! time to 420!! again!!