waimanalo blues

waimanalo blues

Friday, December 31, 2010


another year passed - been fuckin fast!! hope next year is allot better! my resolution - to get back at all those fuckers who fucked me up!! especially those 3 fuckin cunts, and those who owe me money!! everyone who gave me bad karma, will get bad karma in return!!
hope to reconnect with several people - especially bradda kalani, and hope a certain person comes true with his word - tired of people blowing smoke my direction!! time to 420!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


still in morocco looking for a place to live. this mountain village looks really nice! i would live here!
snowy mountains, orchards, farms, i bet no indoor toilets! still no call or e-mail yet - bummers! time to 420!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


still in morocco sightseeing! check out these men selling water - they kind of look silly, but thats what they wear! no calls yet - bummers!! time to 420!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


still in morocco checking out the sights - including queen lalla salma. another cutie!! still waiting for a call or e-mail! will check back later. time to 420!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

monday blues

another day! still no calls or e-mail! it's fuckin sickening just waiting!! applied at several more places on line - had no major problems sending the application in, but got problems waiting for a answer!
am in morocco looking around! this garden is in marrakech - will check this place out one day! time to 420!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

aloha la pule

aloha day after the most sickening day of the year! these my friends on the mountain! not sure if i will get a call or e-mail! i know that for a fact!! anyway, time to 420!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

bah humbug!!!!!

bah humbug!! lies, lies & more lies!! yes i was bad!!
hope for a job, and all those who fucked me over, get fucked over from someone too!!! especially those 3 cunts!! time to 420!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010


another day of lies, lies & more lies!! i hope everyone who fucked me over gets what they deserve, remember - what goes around, comes around, and they will get it back 3 times, especially those fuckin cunts at bellows!! mahalo cuz for the buzz & the kanake! it's all gone!! time to 420!! bah humbug!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


another sickening day waiting for some news! fuck everything and everybody! yes i was bad!! time to 420!! bah fuckin humbug!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


aloha po'akolu! nice and sunny! those fuckin mosquitoes coming out - got to do the slap dance when i go outside! i still hate all the fuckin lies during christmas! i found out when i was a little kid, it's o.k. to lie only during christmas, but not the rest of the year! that's fuckin fucked up!! i want a job i will enjoy for christmas! anyway, time to 420!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

wet tuesday

another wet day! mahalo ke akua!! was hoping for a call to work but - whatevers! i still hate christmas & the lies, lies, lies! time to 420!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

wet monday!

mahalo ke akua! more rain today! hope for more! this is my favorite picture!! still no calls or e-mails - hoping for a call to work for christmas - even though i don't believe in christmas! if i get a job for christmas, (which i fuckin hate) than maybe i will like christmas!! i believe in jesus, mahalo ke akua!! time to 420!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

wet sunday!

i hate christmas!! nothing but lies, lies, lies!! about time it rained all day!! bah humbug! time to 420!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


aloha saturday - am in hong kong today! check out all thoes buildings!! fuckin choke buildings!!
mahalo brandon for the buzzzzzzz!! time to 420!!

Friday, December 17, 2010


another beautiful day! checking out dubai. choke fuckin buildings!! the tallest building in the world is in the middle - the burj arab, more than 2,000 feet high! anyway, mahalo brandon for the buzz!! time to 420!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


another beautiful day in mo'orea, tahiti!!! buzzing all over da place! ia orana & maururu mapuana for the krip! time to 420!! again!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


buzzing around space again today - mahalo ke akua!! mahalo lenny for putting me to work, and for the fuckin krip!! time to 420!! again & again!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

tuesday buzzzzz

buzzing around space today - mahalo lenny for putting me to work again! mahalo for the krip!! time to 420!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

monday buzzzz

mahaol lenny for putting me to work, mahalo nui loa for the krip!!
time to 420!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


another fuckin depressing day!! that fuckin asshole dogs barking is fuckin irritating like his fuckin asshole owner!! he keeps barking all fuckin day!! i hate this time of year - nothing but fuckin lies...... santa claus, flying reindeer - nothing but fuckin lies!! i could never understand the lies!! it's not okay to tell a lie, but its okay to fuckin lie to children during this time of year!! whatevers!! waiting for someone to stop by - but i know he wont!! whatevers!! time to 420??

Saturday, December 11, 2010

aloha po'aono

saturday! another day in hawai'i nei! mahalo ke akua!! mahalo kaleo for the buzz! been several days! time to 420!! again!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

wet friday!

finally getting more rain!! last time was beginning of novemba! even had my friends 'uila & hekili!! beside my friend 'ua!! mahalo ke akua!! amene!! another picture of my stomping ground. hope for more 'ua!! mahalo ke akua!! time to 420!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

aloha po'aha

aloha! 1 more week passed with no news!! more hike pictures.
more goats. hope for some news, and time to 420!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


another shitty day in waimanalo! more pictures from our hike yesterday - we got a fuckin beautiful island - and i wish all fuckin outsiders (from america, and other countries) left permanently!
i wish we still had our king & queen!! anyway, time to 420!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


went hiking today! mahalo koa & maile, mahalo for the buzz too!! we have a fuckin bueutiful island!!
mahalo ke akua!! time to 420!!

Monday, December 6, 2010


another day waiting - i thought i would at least get 1 fuckin call - but none!! how fuckin depressing!! time to 420!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

stoney sunday

another beautiful day in hawai'i nei! mahalo ka akua!! amene!! mahalo for the buzz cuz!! time to 420!! again!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


buzzing all through space today - thanks to cuz!! mahalo ke akua!! still hoping for news!! time to 420!! again!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

fuck up friday

today is fucked up - like these horses fucking!! don't want to get into details!! i fuckin hate christmas and this time of the year!! this is when everyone bullshits to their children, and each other!! bah humbug!! time to 420?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


another day in hawai'i nei! my favorite animal - and her cub. still waiting for news!! hope soon. tis the season to lie to your children!! time to 420!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


another sickening day! even more sickening with all these fuckin christmas commercials! i fuckin hate christmes! been listening to all this shit for 2 weeks! like the song "it's the most sickening time of the year" bah humbug! thats how i feel about christmas! nothing but fuckin lies, lies, and more lies!!! time to 420!!

Monday, November 29, 2010


more pictures of mountains with snow. all in nevada - mt. charleston & mt. wheeler hoping for a call to work - soon! getting fuckin depressed! time to 420!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


another sunday! it's another fuckin depressing day in hawai'i nei! hoping for some news next week. time to 420!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


i wish i was at tahoe!! friends said got lots of snow!! over 4 feet at the ski areas!
hope to get there soon! not holding my breath - have to get a job first!! fuckin sickening waiting for a call! called cuz skip and asked if anyone called him for reference - he said no!! time to 420!!

Friday, November 26, 2010


fridays picture - check it out! still waiting for a certain fucker to pay me back - watch out kekoa because what goes around - comes around!!! hope someone you ripped off, rips you off!! you will get your day soon! mahalo ke akua! amene! time to 420!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


another fuckin day!! i hate holidays!! still waiting! time to 420!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


another blind wensday!! mahalo ke akua! amene! mahalo sista mapuana!!!
still waiting for news, that probably will not come! i waited fuckin months!! time to 420!!