waimanalo blues

waimanalo blues

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

aloha tuesday.

tuesday. still waiting for a call or e- mail for a job, or a call from lenny.
we still in burma today. wouldnt mind visiting this place.

nice carvings on their temples, and supposed to be real gold covering the carvings.

hope to da kine today! time to 420!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

monday blues

aloha from burma. we checking out this country today. so far looks interesting. nice temples.
shwedagon pagoda is the most sacerd & important temple in this country.

wouldnt mind checking this place out. lots of unreal buildings.

still waiting for a call from one or two places i appiled at these couple weeks. if not - whatevers. time to 420!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


sunday! no call from lenny! hope for a call to work from someone!
we in tibet today. time to 420?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

sick saturday!

another sick day!! everything pissing me off again!!

want to go away - far far away!!

i know no one will call me about a job!! i just know!!

these women from china. they not chinese, but mountain people with their own language, and customs.

hope to 420!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

aloha po'alima

aloha friday. we in china again. this is guilin.
nice hills. wouldnt mind living here. all i need is a tiolet, and running water.

hope to help lenny this weekend, have to make money.

no calls! fuckin pissed. time to 420!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

aloha po'aha

another day in hawai'i nei! glad to be alive!!!
in china again, looking at waterfalls. huangguoshu falls, the biggest in china.

detian falls, on the border with vietnam. still hoping to make some money, so can da kine.

time to 420!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

aloha po'akolu

aloha fuck up wednesday!! everything fuckin pissing me off!! i mean everything!!
don't want to talk about anything, cause i still pissed at a certain fuckin asshole who left me hanging for several fuckin hours in town!! i thought he was my friend!! friends don't do that!!

all i want to do is burn!! i wish i had magic powers!! today we in china, at xuankong monastery, built over 900 years ago on a cliff. the english name is the hanging monastery.

will be burning all day today!! time to 420 again!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

aloha po'alua

another day in hawai'i nei. mahalo ke akua!! at least i'm alive!! still hoping for something to come up - still can't get in touch with that fucker who was supposed to pick me up yesterday - that fuckin ass!!
more of my favorite black flowers. time to 420!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

fucked up monday!

monday!! fucked up day!! waited several hours for someone to pick me up - fuckers never showed up!! bike tire flat, need a new tube, bike shop in kailua sold out, was told to go to town - fuck that!!
thought i was going to make money today - i guess not!! been waiting several months for skip to stop by to help me take recycleables to get money - i bet he fuckin forgot - again!! whatevers!!

more of my favorite black flowers!! fuck everyone!! time to 420!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

aloha la pule

aloha sunday. another fuckin hot day. i wish it was freezing!! like reno!!
i wish everything was white!!

and freezing cold with snow!!

i thought i was gonna help lenny today, but i guess not!! hope can da kine!! time to 420?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

aloha po'aono

another hot fuckin day in paradise! i wish it would look like this!! white and cold!!
mahalo lenny for putting me to work, and mahalo koa for the krip! time to 420!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

aloha po'alima

aloha friday. we flying through space today. all blind today. mahalo koa and nicky boy.

time to 420!! all day long!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

aloha po'aha

aloha! looking at my favorite flowers - black flowers!! isn't it beautiful? especially this orchid?
i want black flowers in my yard!! still waiting for a call or something. mahalo mapuana for the doobie!

now, guess what i gonna do!! time to 420!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

aloha po'akolu

aloha boys & girls. today we in japan looking for a castle to buy, and move into! i wish!
hoping for a call to help lenny, or mapuana, or rissa. but is not holding my breath.

time to 420!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

aloha po'alua

aloha tuesday. still no calls - no one love me!! fuck them!! we still in japan, looking at castles.
mahalo mapuana for the krip!!

time to 420!!