waimanalo blues

waimanalo blues

Monday, January 31, 2011


another day! saw that fuckin liar down the street - he told me another fuckin story about his fuckin little shit making money fixing car! told him i no like hear any more fuckin lies! his family heard me yelling, came out, i told them my cousin on the mainland said to tell that family aloha, and to tell that fuckin liar to stick his finger up his ass for not making a effort to call her! i embarrassed him in front of his family!!! good for him! they need to know he is a fuckin liar!! what goes around, comes around!! time to 420!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

aloha la pule 'oukou!

another week passed with nothing!! hope next week! saw cuz (ex) pass he beeped - i stuck middle finger!! yes i did!! he only fuckin mouth!! time to 420!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


1 more week passed with no news! how fuckin disgusting!!
i guess i have to keep on waiting!! mahalo ke akua!! amene!! time to 420?

Friday, January 28, 2011


another day! mahalo auntie lehua for putting me to work! the lunch was ono! wish had something else - but that's o.k. mahalo ke akua!! hope for a call next week! time to 420!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


another day! still waiting for a call, or some good news! please!!!!!
saw that fuckin liar - nothing!! mahalo ke akua!! he will get bad karma in return, for giving bad karma!! remember karma is a bitch!!! time to 420!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


another fuckin day!! saw those fuckin liars who owe me money - got nothing for me! i cursed them!! mahalo brandon for the krip!! i needed that! still no calls! kamu is back for good! time to 420!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


another disgusting day! still no calls! cant wait to finally work!
saw those fuckin liars down the street - i want to rip those fuckers off, and take whats owed to me! been over 3 fuckin months!! that's o.k. they will get what they deserve, especially that fuckin ungrateful little shit! time to 420!! mahalo ke akua!!

Monday, January 24, 2011


monday! still waiting for a call!! still hoping for one!! i wish all those who owe me money pay up - or something happens to their fuckin hands! time to 420!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

aloha la pule

1 more week passed! mahalo pepe for the buzzz! late last nite too! don't want to think about anything! time to 420!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


another week passed! was really hoping for a call from someplace i applied at the job fair! nothing!!
am fuckin disgusted!! time to 420?

Friday, January 21, 2011

aloha friday! still hoping for some aloha - a call to work! saw those fuckin liars - maile & koa! they will get what they deserve!! mahalo ke akua!! amene!! time to 420!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


another day! mahalo to pepe for the buzzzz! will be waiting for news, from the job fair - hope for a call!! time to 420!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


another day! went to the job fair today - same shit! nothing but flips, stink micronesians - who dressed in shorts & tank top, & samoans! no problems with samoans, who knew how to dress! but those fuckin micronesians, who took their whole family, never know how to dress for a fuckin job fair!! applied at 5 places, and tried to apply on line for 6 more!
please lord, i need to work, so can da kine! mahalo brandon for the afternoon buzzz!! time to 420!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

tuesday buzz

mahalo sista mapuana for putting me to work! mahalo nui loa for the krip!! mahalo ke akua! amene! i don't want to do anything else today but burn!! time to 420!! again!! & again!!

Monday, January 17, 2011


monday! hoping for some news! if not - fuck it!! more of my favorite animal! time to 420!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


another week passed and fuckin nothing!! saw the fucker who owe me money, that fuckin lying father said he had $800 the other day, and a ounce! the fuckin kid said not true!! both of them is fuckin liars!! remember - what goes around - comes around!! fuck both of them!! time to 420!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


another day! mahalo brandon for the buzzz!! i need to fuckin work!! mahalo ke akua!! amene!! time to 420!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

aloha friday

aloha po'alima! mahalo to cuz "da kine" for the session, and the krip!! mahalo ke akua!! amene!!still waiting for a call or something - hopefully!! time to 420!! again!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


another wet day! mahalo ke akua!! mahalo for the 'ua, hekili & 'uila!! mahalo ke akua!! amene!! mahalo pepe for the buzzzzz, still waiting for a certain "cuz" to call me about the job in town - hope its not anoyher fuckin story - like the rest!! time to 420!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


first rainy day of the year!! mahalo ke akua!! amene!! more 'ua please, along with aikane hekili, and 'uila!! mai ka 'ua, mai ka 'ua nui, ame ka hekili, ame ka 'uila!! mahalo ke akua!! mahalo to brandon!! time to 420!! all day!! amene!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


another day buzzing around the universe! mahalo brandon & pepe for the buzzzz!!
still waiting! time to 420!! again!!

Monday, January 10, 2011


aloha po'akahi! still hoping for a call. nothing!! hope cuz is not full of shit, like j.j.! mahalo pepe for the krip doobie! i needed that!! real bad!! mahalo ke akua!! amene!! time to 420!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


another week passed, and no good news! bummers!! need to work, so can burn everyday, and spend money!!
will be waiting patiently, and keep trying to apply on line, and hope for something!! time to 420?

Saturday, January 8, 2011


another day! mahalo ke akua!! amene!! was hoping for some news last week - but i guess not! i hope cuz not telling me another fuckin bullshit story! time to 420? hope so!!

Friday, January 7, 2011


my favorite animals! wish i had one, who could do something to people i hate, especially those cunts, and a certain person who owes me money!! still no calls yet! time to 420!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


another day waiting - for nothing!! mahalo ke akua!! amene!! still hoping for some news!! saw a certain fuckin ass who owe me money - whos father said he working, but asshole said not true!! thats o.k. cause what goes around, comes around!! i hope it wont take years for that to happen!!
he will get what he deserves!! time to 420!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


another day - no calls! mahalo lenny for putting me to work yesterday, mahalo kayla for the krip!! time to 420!! again!! mahalo ke akua!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


another day! heard from someone up the street that a certain person who owe me money, said he will not pay me back, and he said fuck him!! (me) i cursed him, and wish him bad luck, and he get caught for selling stuff at the house, and whatevers!! time to 420!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

aloha po'akahi

monday! no call or e-mail yet! hope this year is better! getting sick and tired of waiting! time to 420!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


aloha la pule! more of my favorite animal - dragons! i always wished i had a pet dragon - who would protect me from liars & evil, and a tiger who would eat people who pissed me off! hoping for a call or e-mail, or hear from a certain cousin who keeps telling me things! hope he comes true with his word!!!! mahalo brandon for the buzzzzz!! time to 420!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

sataday da first!

another year! hope this one is better! also hope certain people get what they gave out - especially those 3 fuckin cunts - they know who they are!! what goes around, comes around!! mahalo ke akua!! amene!! mahalo brandon for the da kine last night, and the fuckin unreal pyrotechnic show up the street - we in waimanalo know how to celebrate new years!! hau'oli makahiki hou!! time to 420!!