waimanalo blues

waimanalo blues

Friday, May 28, 2010

aloha mai!

ran into an air force coloniel & his wife i met while working for the air force. they asked what happened to me. i asked what did they hear about me, and he said he learned from his grandpa, do not listen to heresay, and to go to the source!! he heard some shit about me from someone there! i told them thats why i left, too much gossip, especially from females, there was no morale whatsoever, bosses did not know how to say thank you, or good job, we never got acknowleged for what we did, the same people always won awards, too much favoritism, too much kiss asses, bosses treated their workers like shit, they lied, and just made some of us miserable! thats why 3 other workers left after me! bosses had no common sense! only 2 bosses knew their jobs, and one of them is there now! a man!! anyway, getting disgusted writing this! coloniel "da kine" said he was told "what goes around, comes around", and that "giving bad karma will return to the giver twice!" mahalo ke akua! he asked me if i want him to talk to anyone there, and i said no, because what goes around, comes around, even if it takes years, they will get what they deserve! time to 420!

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