waimanalo blues

waimanalo blues

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

aloha po 'ele'ele 'oukou!

went running this afternoon, and some tourists asked me where waimanalo beach park was. i told them, and said that was a high crime area, and to take your valuables with them! dumb asses said they will lock their stuff in the trunk! i warned them that's the first place thieves will look! stupid asses said their friends "live" here, and that there are undercover cops at all high crime beaches! i said to them whatevers! i said to myself how ignorant of them. on my way back, i passed the beach park, and there were 2 blue & white cop cars there, talking to thoes same stupid asses. guess what- they got ripped off! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! that's funny, but not funny, especially when you warn tourists! unfortunatly, they learned the hard way!! time to 420!

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