waimanalo blues

waimanalo blues

Sunday, June 13, 2010

mahalo ke akua!

meet my family! i wish!!! my wife, father in law the king, mother in law the queen, brother in law the prince, sister in law the crown princess! i fuc*** wish!! have to keep thinking about something good! if not, will start getting disgusted, cause no calls or e-mails! finished painting the front door, dad insisted on using old paint - and its not white - but off white! looks funky and no match the white house! anyway, will be on the roof the next few days, replacing roof shingles here and there. still hoping for a call or e-mail to work. if i was a filipino, i would be working in a nursery awhile ago, but i not a flipino, but hawaiian, and proud to be one!!! i wonder what our kids would look like?! time to 420!!!

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