waimanalo blues

waimanalo blues

Monday, May 31, 2010

aloha 'oe

said aloha 'oe to colonel & mrs "da kine", was good to see them, at least they know me, and know where i coming from. he said to use his name as reference, and to continue to tell the truth, and don't let ass kissers to ruin my day! he said there are kiss asses, and liars all over the world! and he said remember what goes around, comes around!! and that thoes who give out bad karma, will get bad karma in return, it might take years for that to happen, but it will!! a good friend once told me "the world has 2 kinds of people - thoes who have, and thoes who have not" will be a long hot summer! time to 420!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


went up makapu'u this morning again with colonel & mrs "da kine" .lots of people! still waiting for a phone call or e-mail about a job - nothing yet! job fair was last week! still hpoing for a call i want to work! will be finishing up painting the windows today, next job fixing the screens! got 14 windows to clean, repair, have fo redo 9 of them! i wish i was getting paid to fix it but at least i got a roof over my head, and food to eat! mahalo ke akua!
time to 420!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

aloha kakahiaka

aloha. colonel & mrs "da kine" picked
me up this morning and walked up to makapu'u point. he asked me if he wanted him to talk to the base commander about me, and i said no because i don't need any more people saying stuff about me, especially females. don't want anyone else to say anything bad about me when i apply for jobs!! jobs i looking for, will not hire you if you have no experience! you have to work at least 2 years at a nursery, or landscape company or golf course! they won't give you a chance!! had a nice walk, and even better breakfast later. colonel "da kine" said he can't believe what i said about that place, i told him some names of people to talk to, but he believes me deep down inside, especially in the past when we met, when we had an asshole for a boss. he said he wrote 5 comment cards, left his name, number, and address, and that asshole never replied. i told him he threw it away! thats what they do. a good comment card means absolutley nothing!! you get no thank yous, or appreciation!! however, a bad comment card, all hell breaks loose!! colonel "da kine" said he spoke to that asshole boss, and was told they never recieved any comment cards. he even saw me give them to that asshole!! enough of that, what goes around, comes around!! it might take years, but they will get what they give out!! time to 420!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

aloha mai!

ran into an air force coloniel & his wife i met while working for the air force. they asked what happened to me. i asked what did they hear about me, and he said he learned from his grandpa, do not listen to heresay, and to go to the source!! he heard some shit about me from someone there! i told them thats why i left, too much gossip, especially from females, there was no morale whatsoever, bosses did not know how to say thank you, or good job, we never got acknowleged for what we did, the same people always won awards, too much favoritism, too much kiss asses, bosses treated their workers like shit, they lied, and just made some of us miserable! thats why 3 other workers left after me! bosses had no common sense! only 2 bosses knew their jobs, and one of them is there now! a man!! anyway, getting disgusted writing this! coloniel "da kine" said he was told "what goes around, comes around", and that "giving bad karma will return to the giver twice!" mahalo ke akua! he asked me if i want him to talk to anyone there, and i said no, because what goes around, comes around, even if it takes years, they will get what they deserve! time to 420!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


got a job - painting and fixing up our hale! fixing the windows, repainting, fixing the screens, our hale is almost 70 years old, and needs lots of work! wish i was getting paid to do stuff, but this is our hale - at least got one roof over our head! mahalo ke akua!!! will be kept busy for awhile!! time to 420!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


another hot day in paradise! getting hotter! i wish i could change the weather - i would make it snow! went to the mall to reapply at several places - hoping for some luck with something i will enjoy doing! had enough of customer service! and stupid bosses! and dumb tourists! also waiting for alu like to get back to me about going to school - been waiting since december!! called several times, and was told they very busy!! i thought they was supposed to help us hawaiians!! time to 420!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

aloha po 'ele'ele 'oukou!

went running this afternoon, and some tourists asked me where waimanalo beach park was. i told them, and said that was a high crime area, and to take your valuables with them! dumb asses said they will lock their stuff in the trunk! i warned them that's the first place thieves will look! stupid asses said their friends "live" here, and that there are undercover cops at all high crime beaches! i said to them whatevers! i said to myself how ignorant of them. on my way back, i passed the beach park, and there were 2 blue & white cop cars there, talking to thoes same stupid asses. guess what- they got ripped off! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! that's funny, but not funny, especially when you warn tourists! unfortunatly, they learned the hard way!! time to 420!

Monday, May 24, 2010

ano 'ai

finally got a call from a friend to apply at a "certain" nursery here in waimanalo! went there to apply and was asked if i can speak filipino. i said no, i speak english! was told they looking for a filipino speaking worker! i said thats discrimination, and that this is the u.s. and english should be spoken! i said i will make a call and complain, because that is a violation based on race! i was told that is not true, they looking for a filipino speaker, because the workers can't understand english!! i said the last i checked, this is not the philippines, this is the u.s.a.! see how fu**** up this country is!! god bless america? or god bless de pilipines? time to 420!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

aloha oukou!

another day! still waiting for a call for a job! went to the job fair last week, most places have to apply on line, and having a hard time submitting the application! i not the only one having a hard time! gotta get a job so can 420! will never go back to that base! still got stupid people there, and things will never change! women love to gossip, and listen to shit, and believe shit, and let certain people kiss their ass! playing my ukulele and hoping for a call!!! time to 420!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


i used to work for the air force for more than 10 years! i left because of the stupid kiss ass boss! she didn't know how to open her mouth, she didn't know how to ask questions, she didn't know how to treat her employees, she did not back anyone up, she never fought for her employees, the only reason she became boss was because she is a kiss ass, when the big bosses told her to jump, she would ask how high! she was a liar, she could not do her job, there was no morale whatsoever not only in our department, but the whole base!! enough of that!! time to 420.